Benjamin Shafii

"I'm using blockchain technology to decentralize how information gets funded"
Co-founder @Prologe
Benjamin Shafii is a french maker. Benjamin is the co-founder of Newsroom, the best place to get the help of internet communities to grow your content. Benjamin was previously the engineering manager for Request Network.
Berlin (Germany)


"What I cannot create, I do not understand." - Richard Feynman

I don't have the common prodigy biography. When I was 23, I was a broke party-goer that couldn't even get a job in a supermarket. It took some perseverance to get from there to managing a team at a blockchain company three years later. Now, my focus is to build something people want.

Web3 is the most exciting development of the internet. It opens new pathways to co-ownership. You can own a piece of protocols, internet communities, or art. Owning a piece of it means enjoying the outsized upsides that are currently only reserved to the few. The only question is what will you create?

His best skill.


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