Christophe Lassuyt

"Building in web3 is something we love but it’s also a pain in the ass. The technology stack is not that mature yet compared to the number of followers"
Co-founder @Request Network (REQ), CEO @Request Finance
Co-founder at Request Network since 2017, Christophe is one of the most successful leaders in decentralized finance. His background as a CFO in more traditional structures and his experience at the Y combinator, allowed him to better understand the challenges posed by the web3.


I’m an ordinary person, a proud dad from the French countryside, currently living in Singapore and working in the web3 industry since 2014. I’ve been living and working in more than 8 countries, on 3 continents. I can say it’s an exciting adventure every day.

At 23, I was a CFO in Geneva, Switzerland, at a fast-growing IT startup. 4 years later, in 2014, I took the risk of quitting my job to build on the blockchain with my first startup.
In this adventure, we went through 3 accelerators, including YCombinator. That’s where my colleagues and I realized that the cross-border money transfer industry only existed due to an inefficient and financially exclusive banking system.

Building a fair alternative with our own hands, along with an army of open source developers was natural. It is about being a rebel with fair chances of success. It is about changing the world for the sake of financial inclusion. I love the people in the industry who are there to fight for humanity’s freedom from the capitalistic tyranny of centralized institutions. Together, we help usher a financial revolution by depriving the big banks of their power over the masses. The point is, currencies, technologies, and protocols should be controlled by everyone.

That’s why Request Network makes sense to me, we interconnect isolated financial systems to create more efficient and inclusive economies. We are accomplishing this by building a decentralized and open network for payment requests, in other words, a ledger of payment requests, connected to all blockchains, with shared accesses and interoperability.

I am a risk-friendly builder and a hodler. The core team members are builders, together with the REQ community since 2017. We believe that the long-term approach is the one that will bear the most fruits. Long-term means decades, not weeks.

Request Network users, community members, entrepreneurs, partners, and team members are builders of a whole ecosystem. The first successful application of this ecosystem is Request Finance, a crypto-friendly invoicing application serving more than 900 companies, DAOs, and freelancers of the Metaverse, DAO, NFT, and crypto industries, such as The Sandbox, Aave, and The Graph.

We are lucky to be in this place and to be interconnecting millions of businesses, regardless of their country or currency.

What does he expect from web3 in the coming years?


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